Dr Julie Moltke is a medical doctor with a focus on mental health, stress management, sleep, and the medicinal cannabis industry. Dr. Julie Moltke believes CBD can be helpful in treating numerous conditions and in personalized medicine and seeing every client as an individual with a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Dr Julie is the author of “A Quick Guide to CBD” and the founder of the London-based health, wellness and cannabis science publication, Getthedose.
Dr Julie prescribes medicinal cannabis at ClinicHorsted in Denmark and she is a public keynote speaker and a yoga and mindfulness teacher. She also owns and runs a retreat center at her farm in southern Sweden.
We recently sat down with Dr. Julie to gain some expert insight on some important questions, as well as to learn more about the doctor herself, her passions, latest projects and Dr. Julie Moltke’s thoughts on CBD. Enjoy!
CBD Oil Direct:
Tell us a bit about yourself, you’re a doctor and medicinal cannabis expert, you own/run holistic health retreats, write books, you like to get philosophical in the woods… who is Dr Julie Moltke? Where is she coming from and what is she out to do?
Dr. Julie Moltke:
Dr Julie Moltke, or just Julie, is a bit of a combined person. I have had a very privileged and international life so far and I consider myself a bit of an idealist. When I started studying to become a doctor I had just spent a year doing volunteer work in Nepal and Costa Rica and I really wanted to help people and at the same time, I always had a very academic mind, wanting to learn. I found the perfect combination in medical school. I later started to adapt to and learn more “so-called alternative treatments” and I am curious to learn more about everything that heals. To narrow it down, I believe my purpose is to create more connection, more awareness, health and to help people reduce suffering in their lives.
How did you begin to get interested in cannabis medicine? Has this become a passion for you? Why?
I stumbled upon medicinal cannabis and CBD through a friend who started a CBD brand. He helped me open my eyes to the healing properties of the plant and I have been committed to working with public education and prescribing ever since.
Tell us about the book you’ve written “A Quick Guide to CBD, Everything You Need to Know.” What are 2 of the most interesting things you think people will learn?
One thing that people might be surprised to know is that CBD does not actually interact directly with the ECS. CBD works indirectly by enhancing the levels of anandamide, the endocannabinoid named after the sanskrit word for bliss (ananda). Another surprise for some users might be that CBD usually works better together with its family of terpenes and flavonoids and this is why broad-spectrum is preferred by many patients and users.
Articles about CBD all seem to contain the caveat “more research needs to be done,” are you hopeful we’ll have the science behind proper dosing and use for specific conditions one day? What new research excites you the most?
I think it will take many more years but I am hopeful we will discover the true potential and dose eventually. I am very excited about the potential use for diseases like Alzheimer’s where we currently have no treatment as well as for mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.
We had a customer asking about CBD for fibromyalgia. As a doctor what are your challenges and concerns when giving people advice for these kinds of questions?
When it comes to CBD, we know that it is considered safe and without a risk for addiction if used in moderate doses (<70 mg daily according to the FSA). Fibromyalgia is considered a central pain problematic meaning it originates from the central nervous system. Cannabis is known to be good at treating this specific kind of pain and it is definitely worth trying. I have many fibromyalgia patients using medicinal cannabis and CBD with really good effects so I do not hesitate to recommend it.
Do you have any other recommendations for people, websites, or books, to help them get reliable answers to their questions about CBD?
Check out the podcast Cannabis voices with Mary Biles, To learn all you need to know about CBD and how to use it you can get my book on audio or as a paperback on amazon. Dr Dani Gordon is among the leading voices in the cannabis movement and I can recommend visiting her youtube channel to learn more from her videos.
We’d like to express our deepest thanks with Dr. Julie for taking the time to share her insights and stories. Be sure to follow her and her recommendations on Instagram!
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