Cannabis medicine has been around for 5,000 years. In fact, it was one of the top 3 medicines prescribed by doctors in the US until around the 1930s. It is tried and true and we know it works, but what is less clear is how. With the legalization of Cannabis, research has resumed on CBD, THC and other beneficial cannabinoids derived from cannabis and hemp plants.
Though much more research needs to be done to fully understand how CBD works, studies are beginning to show that CBD holds tremendous potential as a natural preventative medicine. Preliminary research, mainly on animals, indicates CBD may hold promise for treating the symptoms of many different ailments and conditions. Although CBD is rapidly becoming a household term, information about proper dosage is still difficult to find. That’s because we don’t have the science yet to offer this kind of information. Currently, the best practice is to experiment with CBD over time and self-evaluate. More on that below.
If you’re thinking of trying CBD for the first time or have a condition you think CBD might help with, consult your doctor or a medical professional first. Also bear in mind that any information offered on the CBD Oil Direct website is not medical advice, and it is always wise to seek out professional opinions.
Due to the lack of research, medical professionals and Health Canada are not able to offer specific advice about CBD dosage. Fortunately, there is no risk of overdose with CBD and side-effects are rare. In the case of enormous doses far beyond what is usually recommended, side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, sleepiness, changes in appetite and other mild symptoms. The dosage chart here above is a guideline only and does not guarantee results, but it can be used as a starting point.
If you are unsure about what dosage to start with, consult a medical professional with experience in cannabis medicine. You can contact us using our online contact form with questions as well. Though we cannot dispense medical advice, we can share information derived from our experience and research.
There are many ways to take CBD:
- Drops of oil/tincture taken sublingually
- Consuming CBD edibles
- Applying topically via CBD cream or lotion or in the bath with bath bombs or CBD bath salts.
- Smoking via blunt or joint
- Smoking via bong or dab rig
- Vaporizing oil or flower in a vaporizer
Currently, the most popular and convenient way of getting CBD into your system is to deposit CBD oil drops under your tongue, also known as “sublingually.” Hold the drops under your tongue for roughly thirty to sixty seconds. There, the CBD is absorbed into the bloodstream via the numerous blood vessels in the area. Afterwards you can swallow the remaining oil and chase it with water or a drink.
The advantage of the sublingual method is that more CBD gets into your bloodstream than if you were to simply eat/drink it. Using this method, CBD bypasses “first pass metabolism” in your digestive system and goes directly into the bloodstream via blood vessels under your tongue.
IMPORTANT: Keep track of your dosage:
To find the best dosage for your condition, you will likely need to experiment. That’s why it is highly recommended that you keep a journal for the first couple months. Use the chart above as a starting point for your dosage and increase your dose by 5-10mg increments on a weekly basis. The effects of CBD are subtle and marked by the toning down of symptoms rather than the powerful numbing feeling you get with some pharmaceuticals. The benefits of CBD might not be immediately noticeable, that’s why it’s important to write in your CBD journal daily and keep details about how often/much you felt stress, pain or whatever symptom you are treating. At the end of each week, you’ll be able to see changes by studying your notes.
Keep in mind that more CBD is not necessarily better. CBD is biphasic, which means it has different effects at different dosages. Similar to how alcohol is a stimulant after the first couple drinks, making you more uninhibited and social, but becomes a depressant impeding balance, motor control and other functions after a few more. CBD may help with anxiety at one dose, sleep another, pain and inflammation at another. This is explained by the fact that CBD will bind to the receptors it has the most affinity for (which are easiest to bind to) first. After those receptor sites are saturated, CBD moves on to the next receptors, receptors which are linked to different systems.
Remember, the more detailed your notes are, the more you will benefit from understanding how CBD is affecting you and the likelier it is you find your “sweet spot,” the dose that works best for you. Also, your tolerance for CBD will increase over time, meaning you’ll probably need to adjust your dose over the long term.
Things to consider when figuring out your dosage:
As mentioned above your dosage may change and can be influenced by a number of factors:
- How severe your illness may be
- The type of illness you are trying to treat
- Your weight and metabolism
- Your physical tolerance for CBD

General Guidelines:
Our motto here at CBD Oil Direct is “Start low, go slow.” When beginning with CBD, stick with the same dose for at least five to seven days in order to give your body time to adjust to the CBD. Keep a journal and take notes about the strength and frequency of your symptoms. If the effects aren’t noticeable, increase the dosage by 5-10mg for another 5-7 days. Usually the process for finding the dose that works best takes 1-2 months.
CBD Side effects:
Unlike many pharmaceutical drugs, CBD does not come with serious side effects. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be careful when consuming it. Although humans can tolerate large doses of 1500mg or more, it is possible to experience side-effects such as nausea, diarrhea, disorientation, upset stomach, tiredness and others if you have too much.
In addition, CBD may inhibit the uptake of certain prescription drugs in the same way that grapefruit does. If your medication comes with a “grapefruit warning” instructing you not to eat grapefruit while taking the drug, then CBD will interfere with that medication. If you are on any prescription drugs, please consult a medical professional before trying CBD.
Can you overdose from CBD?
The answer is no. CBD is non-toxic and there are no cases of fatal overdose. That being said, it’s still possible to get ill from taking an excessive amount of CBD. The WTO notes that CBD is “well tolerated” in humans, even high doses of 1,500mg of CBD daily. This is generally far higher than the average dose of 10-100mg. Overall, CBD oil is very safe, but we do advise that you consult a medical professional before trying CBD, especially if you are currently on prescription drugs.