With the entire world now waking up to the amazing benefits of cannabis, the internet is drowning in websites, blogs and online stores that are all about CBD (cannabidiol), one of the many cannabinoids derived from the cannabis sativa plant. In addition to all this info online, is a plethora of books on the subject.
If you’re considering trying CBD, or are simply someone who finds this compound’s complexity and significance quite fascinating, consider getting hold of one of the five enlightening books recommended below. There’ll be plenty of amazing facts and figures, and you’ll have a much deeper understanding of what the compound hiding in cannabis sativa can do for you and your family, plus its future potential. Here are out picks for top 5 CBD books you should read, enjoy!
[1] Cannabis Revealed by Dr. Bonni Goldstein
No CBD book collection would be complete without this book by physician and medical cannabis expert, Dr. Bonni Goldstein. Goldstein has vast experience in the science of medical cannabis for both adult and pediatric patients. Dr. Goldstein has treated her patients with CBD and medical marijuana since 2008, the year she witnessed first-hand the healing powers of medical cannabis in a friend.
She is the Medical Director of Canna-Centers, a member of the International Association of Cannabis as Medicine, the International Cannabinoid Research Society, and the Society of Cannabis Clinicians.
Cannabis Revealed discusses cannabis from a medical perspective. The book
- Unpacks the cannabis plant, hemp, and hemp-derived CBD.
- Explains how cannabis functions as a medicine.
- Reveals the wonders of the endocannabinoid system and its function in the body.
- The difference between and different workings of THC and CBD.
- The ins and outs of taking CBD.
- The 28 conditions that CBD helps for and the science behind it.
This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to find out about the healing powers of CBD and the therapeutic use of cannabis. It contains life-changing information for patients who have been living with debilitating health conditions that conventional medicine has not been able to treat successfully.
Dr. Goldstein’s latest book, published during the pandemic, is Cannabis Is Medicine.
[2] CBD: What You Need to Know by Dr. Gregory L. Smith
Dr. Gregory Smith is Chief Medical Cannabis Advisor for Callitas Health. In CBD: What You Need to Know, Dr. Smith shares his vast knowledge on CBD and medical cannabis gained from two decades in practice.
Reading this book, offers two fundamental benefits. First, all the information needed to distinguish quality CBD products from the rest, and second, loads of links to resources for further study.
In this 215-page, interactive book, readers will learn everything about CBD they need to make an educated and informed decision on choosing the best products to fit their needs.

In this book readers learn:
- Everything they need to know about CBD, including how to choose quality CBD products.
- Basic information on the history and legal status of CBD and cannabis.
- How CBD works in the body.
- How CBD changed the lives of many patients.
- About the science behind CBD and medical cannabis.
- About 17 medical conditions that CBD works for.
- How CBD can help one to slowly go off opioids.
Dr. Smith has released a new book, CBDPlus, aimed at patients and caregivers. The book is about the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) and its benefits as an appetite killer.
[3] CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis–Healing without the High by Leonard Leinow and Juliana Birnbaum
CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis could just as well be first on our list. It is hailed as the most comprehensive account of the science and therapeutic use of cannabinoids in medicine. Suitable for medical practitioners, it discusses cannabinoid chemistry and the endocannabinoid system in detail. The authors support their writing with more than four hundred peer-reviewed scientific articles.
This book offers:
- A comprehensive resource on CBD and medical marijuana for practicing physicians, caregivers, patients, and their families.
- Clear guidance on how CBD can be taken and in what dosages.
- An introduction to the endocannabinoid system and its role in mood, appetite, pain response, immunity, and memory.
- A discussion on the health conditions that CBD treats.
- Interviews with doctors.
- Current research projects on other cannabinoids and terpenes found in the cannabis plant.
- A whole section dedicated to CBD use for pets.
- A discussion on the future of medical cannabis, including legal aspects.
- The potential for CBD to reverse the opioid epidemic.

[4] CBD-Rich Hemp Oil: Cannabis Medicine is Back by Steven Leonard-Johnson and Tina Rappaport
This very accessible book is by psychiatric and mental health nurse Steven Leonard-Johnson. He writes from personal experience and deep practical knowledge of CBD (cannabidoil). The book sets out the similarities, differences, uses and benefits of hemp, cannabis and medical marijuana, and differentiates between THC and CBD. The book also discusses the numerous other components of cannabis sativa, including terpenoids, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins, terpenes, and others.
This book is a great source for:
- Basic knowledge about the endocannabinoid system.
- Everything worth knowing about CBD.
- A clear understanding of the workings of CBD and THC.
- An introduction to ‘’endocannabinoid deficiency’’.
- Learning about the difference between medical marijuana and the cannabinoid CBD.
- The benefits of CBD.
- Information on how to take CBD products – oils, tinctures, capsules, etc.
[5] Medical Marijuana and Your Pet by Dr. Robert Silver
Of course, our list of books on CBD wouldn’t be complete without including a book that discusses CBD for pets. Medical Marijuana and Your Pet, written by Dr. Robert Silver, is a guide for pet owners who are considering CBD for their pets.
Dr. Silver is a member of a rare breed: holistic and herbal veterinarians. These professionals practice acupuncture, herbal medicine, or chiropractic care in addition to conventional veterinarian science and are often informed about the use of CBD for pets.
Just like humans, dogs can suffer from health conditions that are not relieved by conventional medicine. This book offers the necessary information pet owners need know to about medical marijuana for pets. This book provides information on:
- The benefits and potential risks of CBD for pets.
- Case studies about the successful use of CBD for animals.
- Medical marijuana and the cannabinoid CBD.
- The medical conditions that CBD can help to treat.
- Products you can find at the dispensary and exactly which products are safer than others to use for your pet.
- The dangers of THC for dogs.
Nothing keeps you vital like learning!
If you are considering treating yourself or your pet with CBD, do yourself a favor and learn about CBD. It’s worth investing your time, not only because you’ll have a better idea of how to use CBD effectively, but because the topic itself is amazing.
Cannabinoids are truly mind-boggling. They interact with our bodies in so many ways that the scientific community is still getting to grips with. It may be decades before we can fully understand just how cannabinoids work in our bodies and how to fully exploit their potential. With hundreds of studies currently underway, new discoveries are being made all the time. The time when CBD medications are prescribed by doctors for treating many of the conditions people use it for now is finally starting to come within view.
This information does not constitute medical advice and it should not be relied upon as such. Consult with your doctor before modifying your regular medical regime. Our websites content is provided as a service; all content is solely for informational purpose only and is intended to facilitate communication between you and your healthcare provider. We do not represent in any manner whatsoever that the content of our website contains the opinions of a healthcare professional
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